- Health

What Are Sleep Disorders?

Sleep disorders are changes in the brain, breathing, or movement that prevent a person from sleeping correctly. Sleep is a key component for us to rest our bodies and regenerate brain cells. Among them, those responsible for memory maintenance.

The Sleep Cycle

Our sleep cycle starts in a waking state. This is where the body begins to release a hormone called melatonin. In that time, your blood pressure and temperature drop. Thus, minutes later, other hormones are released, mainly growth hormones.

After a while, the body enters the stage called REM (Rapid Eye Movement). At this stage, we start to dream; the eyes move faster, and the heart rate increases. After the end of this cycle, which takes about 10 minutes, another cycle starts.

When we have some disorder, this cycle is interrupted, or even we don’t have any. Thus, we are susceptible to other illnesses. These disorders can happen at any age, being more frequent in children and the elderly. Come with us and see what the main sleep changes are.


It is one of the most common disorders among us. Among its causes, we have:

  • Hormonal changes (TPM, Menstruation),
  • Use of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana,
  • Excessive use of medicines, even for this same disease, because after some time, they may no longer affect,
  • Time zone,
  • Other diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.,
  • Anxiety and depression,
  • Excessive consumption of coffee, mate tea, or other products containing caffeine,
  • Practice physical exercise shortly before bedtime.
  • consequences of insomnia

A person who has insomnia loses his ability to think and concentrate. Furthermore, irritability, bad temper, and tiredness are also frequent. When this persists for a long time, the person should seek medical help.


Narcolepsy is a disease characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness. It happens due to the lack of a hormone called hypocretin, caused by the destruction of cells in the brain. So, in a matter of seconds, a person can fall into a deep sleep throughout the day.


Apnea is the obstruction of the airways when sleeping. That is, we stop breathing during sleep. When that happens, the brain sends a command to the body, and we suddenly wake up. Among the causes, we have nasal septum deviation, resulting in difficulty breathing. Furthermore, obesity and aging are decisive factors for apnea to occur.

Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are the most common cause among children. Snoring can also be a symptom of apnea as the person is making an effort to breathe. Such effort causes noise during the passage of air. However, not everyone who snores has apnea.

How To Treat Sleep Disorders

For the vast majority of these problems, seeking medical help is essential. Thus, it is possible to refer the patient for tests such as polysomnography through a general practitioner or a specialist in excellent center for sleep disorders (ศูนย์ นิทรา เวช which is the term in Thai). In this exam, the doctor observes and monitors the sleeping patient. Therefore, all essential details are monitored, such as heartbeat and possible abnormal movements. Another important test is the electroencephalogram. In it, the doctor can check if there is any neurological change.

Furthermore, a psychological follow-up can be essential to identify if there is any problem besides the physical one.

About Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.
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