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Essential Worker Hacks: Ensuring You Survive the Pandemic

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Certainly, this pandemic has been such a big blow to us all. It’s like a bolt of lightning from the sky. Who would have known that by April 2020, there would have been a worldwide pandemic? Worse, America became a laughing stock to the world, unable to parry the attacks of a virus that has been dealt with by others with ease. The most powerful nation on the planet has become vulnerable.

Naturally, all the chaos has affected people negatively, both mentally and financially. It’s like a nightmare that came straight out of a horror movie. Only this time, the afflicted may not get a second chance. 

When you talk about the danger, there may never be a more risky job these days than an essential worker. From grocery clerks to farmhands to hospital orderlies, essential workers make our world turn right. Unfortunately, many of them have lost their lives to the virus. 

If you’re an essential worker, getting yourself the best protection should be at the top of your mind. The thing is, you need to enforce certain measures needed to protect yourself. And not just let things happen as a matter of course. 

Clean hands save lives

It’s tough to imagine how much sorrow COVID-19 has left behind. This is especially true for essential workers. In New York City, MTA or Metropolitan Transport Authority workers who tested positive for the virus numbered close to 4,000. About 120 of them died. 

That’s why an essential worker you should be doubly cautious. You are more likely to be exposed to the virus. 

Thus, you must ensure that your hands are clean always. And it’s only logical. Many of the things you would have to do would involve actively using your hands. 

In this regard, washing your hands can certainly be a lifesaver. As CDC details, washing your hands is one of the best methods to remove pathogens. 

That’s why for companies hiring essential workers, you must support your people. Make sure the proper facility is available. That means a useful sink and soap. That way, people can easily breeze in and out just to wash their hands. 

If your job keeps you from washing your hands, then consider getting a hand sanitizer. This way you can intermittently apply hand sanitizer to your hand. This is also as effective as washing your hands. With this, you wouldn’t contract the virus after having encounters with other people. 

Enforce social distancing

Social distancing is not an option for you. You must observe it. The distance should be around six feet. Now, you may need to put in a conscious effort to get it right.

For essential workers that deal with customers, such as in restaurants, make sure adequate space between customers and workers. To make sure things go as plan, you can use an acrylic guard to implement proper distancing.

For construction workers that have many people on-site, the number of people should be reduced. Contractors can do this by proper scheduling with a limited number of people in a particular shift. 

It’s tricky. But this is where the job of a general contractor comes into the picture. A good one should make sure that workers such as painters are well-distanced even while doing their job. On construction sites, things can be a bit hard. But then, when lives are at stake, everyone should cooperate. 

Social distancing also applies to catching rides together. As an essential worker, be ready to go back home alone on a bike or in your car. That’s the safest option for you. 

Mask to success

Putting a mask on is another important thing. For people doing vigorous work as essential workers, this can be a bit hard. Many people are not so comfortable having the mask on. And then it makes it a bit hard to breathe. But the truth is that you have no option than to have it on. 

The option you have is to opt for a breathable mask. This way even when you have it on breathing wouldn’t be a problem. Another thing you can do is take a short break when you feel suffocated. Just go to visit the open air. Remove the mask for a few minutes and breathe well. 

Be observant at all times

As an essential worker, you have to be observant as well. It’s not just about you but also about others. Look out for people at work that look sick and have symptoms of COVID-19. Whenever you observe such, don’t fail to talk to your supervisor. That way, your life and the lives of other workers are not put at risk. 

Working as an essential worker in times like this can be a bit hard. But you are definitely up to this task. So long as you stay vigilant, you should be able to evade the virus like a pro. And in the process, save others by getting needed work done.

Meta title: How to Work Safely as an Essential Worker This Pandemic

Meta desc: Some workers are essential, but they are at high risk of getting the virus because of exposure. Learn how to take care of yourself as an essential worker.

About Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.
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