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Spot The Signs And Get Help In Treating Chronic Cough From Dr Jasdeep Sidana

If you’ve been coughing for longer than a few weeks, it’s probably time to see your doctor. That’s because chronic coughs are often an indication of something more serious than just a cold or flu. If a doctor doesn’t find anything wrong with you during an exam and your cough is still there after several weeks, then they may recommend further testing to determine what’s causing it. Below are some common causes of chronic coughing that could indicate another problem:

Persistent Cough Can Be An Indication Of So Many Different Things

A persistent cough can be an indication of so many different things according to Dr Jasdeep Sidana. The most common causes of chronic coughs are allergies and postnasal drip, but there are other possible causes as well.

  • Allergies: If you have a history of seasonal or year-round allergies and experience a dryness in your throat when you breathe in certain substances (such as pollen), then this could be the culprit behind your chronic cough.
  • Postnasal drip: When mucus flows down through the back of your nose into your throat, it can cause irritation that leads to coughing fits–especially if there’s any phlegm present too! Postnasal drip may also cause sniffling or sneezing during allergy season due to its irritant properties; however, other times these symptoms might come on without warning at unexpected times throughout the year (or even all year long).

Your Doctor Will Conduct A Thorough Examination To Look For The Source Of Your Chronic Cough

The next step is to perform a thorough examination to look for the source of your chronic cough. A doctor like Dr Jasdeep Sidana will ask about your medical history, lifestyle habits, and any recent changes in your body. He or she will also want to know if you have been exposed to anyone with similar symptoms as well as whether there are any environmental factors that could be causing it (e.g., cigarette smoke).

It Can Be A Sign Of Another Disease

If a chronic cough doesn’t respond to treatment, it can be a sign of another disease. Coughing up blood or having bloody sputum may also be an indication that something serious is going on. Signs and symptoms that indicate chronic coughs may require medical attention include headache and fatigue.

Other Signs And Symptoms May Require Medical Attention

Other signs and symptoms that indicate chronic coughs may require medical attention include headache and fatigue.

  • Headache: A headache is often associated with a dry cough, but if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, you should seek immediate medical care.
  • Fatigue: Chronic coughing can make you feel exhausted because your body is working harder to clear out mucus from deep inside your lungs. If this happens frequently for more than two weeks in a row without relief from rest or medication (such as an expectorant), it’s time to see a doctor about how to manage the problem better so that you don’t get tired all over again!

About Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.
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