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The Ultimate Guide to Dab rigs: An In-Depth Look At The Different Types of Dab Rigs

Dabbing is the process of heating a small amount of cannabis extract with a blowtorch and inhaling the resulting smoke. This can give you a much more intense high than smoking it with a bong or joint.

However, if you are new to dabbing you might be wondering how to set up your rig for this technique. It can be intimidating at first but don’t worry! Here are some tips on what type of rig to buy, where to find them, and how to use them for an optimal experience.

What to Look for in a Rig

Dab rigs come in many different forms and each one offers a different experience and different strengths. Check out our list of the top five types of Dab rigs so you can choose the best one for you!

The Cutter

There are many different types of dab rigs that have different accessories and use.

The mason jar and suction rig: A common form of this rig is using a mason jar or an empty candy or spice container. The vessel you use will dictate the type of dab rig you will be using.

A mason jar will let you hold the concentrate and will allow you to catch your dab as you inhale. This type of rig is great for when you want to keep it simple because you can carry the whole rig in your pocket.

Buying Online

At the moment there are many different online vaporizers. In the top right corner of the Best Seller List on Amazon, there are several models listed with different features. When you click on the respective category you are taken to their website and given some information about each one.

Often you can get in-depth descriptions of each model, which is handy if you are unsure what you are buying. Many of the companies that sell these vaporizers also have online stores, which are great if you want to buy more than one.

I recently bought one which has a glass bowl that is compatible with glass rods. Glass rods are little pieces of glass that fit onto the front of your heating element. The glass rods have a number on them and that’s what vaporizers heat up.

How To Set Up Your Rig For Dabbing

The Dab rigs that you get depend on how you want to dabs and what kind of quality of cannabis you will be using. But if you are just starting it is easier to start with an e-cigarette rig, which is what a lot of stoners start with.

It is also good to get a slightly more professional rig with a glass blowtorch, a new battery, a dabber, and some double-sided tape. It is not a complete setup that you will use consistently, but it is a good place to start.

The problem with e-cigarettes is that you have to use a dabbing chemical, such as butane, which requires a separate charging or burning source, and these can be expensive. It is possible to set one up yourself using a spare battery, a dabber, and a dabbing chemical, but you will have to learn how to properly use the equipment.

About Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.
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