- Health

The Use Of Medical Marijuana Increases The Risk Of Glaucoma – buy weed Canada

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a condition that affects the eyes and has the potential to cause blindness in the long term. Approximately four million Americans are considered to be suffering with some kind of glaucoma, with up to half of those suffering from the ailment being entirely unaware of it.

According to the World Health Organization, glomerulonephritis is the second most prevalent cause of blindness after cataracts (WHO). Among African Americans, that statistic ranks first on the list.

People who are familiar with glaucoma are aware that the disease mostly affects the elderly, however anybody of any age may be affected by it without their knowledge. Glaucoma seems to be hereditary in nature, according to some research, but experts are still confused as to what exactly causes the ailment to present itself.

As a result of this research, it has been shown that, when taken in concert with other medications, medical marijuana may considerably slow the progression of glaucoma-related vision loss. buy weed Canada when there is increased pressure in the eye, it is one of the most prevalent causes of glaucoma but consult your doctor first.

Positive Effects

A major benefit of medical marijuana is that certain chemicals have been proven to reduce intraocular pressure (also known as IOP), which has been linked to a variety of eye conditions, by as much as 25 percent in some studies.It has been argued that it is a marginal advantage when measured against the severe adverse effects of marijuana; however, this result has been called into question due to skewed data and inadequate information.

While marijuana use may raise the risk of heart disease in certain older people, the vast majority of people buy weed Canada for therapeutic reasons report experiencing little or no harmful side effects as a result of doing so, according to the American Heart Association. Page after page of potential side effects and horror stories that accompany even the most modest of over-the-counter drugs are a far cry from this.

In the treatment of glaucoma, marijuana does not operate in the same way that it does in other conditions. There are – and should be – additional medications and treatments accessible, such as eye drops that release pressure in the eye further by dilatation and other procedures, which are now unavailable.

In light of the fact that there is now no recognized treatment for glaucoma, alternative therapeutic options are not only preferable, but also necessary. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of many of these treatments may deteriorate with time.A team of experts is hard at work designing medication delivery methods for glaucoma patients in an attempt to offer them with the benefits of medical marijuana without the need to smoke it.

Compared to inhaling or even eating little quantities of the plant, different delivery strategies for medical marijuana have been demonstrated to be less successful thus far in clinical trials.It is highly recommended that, beyond the age of 40, frequent eye exams by a trained expert be conducted every other year by a competent specialist to maintain good vision. The chance of late-stage glaucoma irreparably damaging vision in the long term will be considerably reduced as a result of this measure.




About Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.
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