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Why You Should Support IDF Soldiers? 

Soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces put their lives on the line to defend and protect Israel and Jews around the world, and they deserve our thanks and support. A considerable number of people serving are lone troops, young men, and women who have no relatives in Israel. They bravely step up to protect their adopted homeland without the support of a loving family. Others have difficulties after their military service because they lack the financial resources to pay for the training or education required to obtain a suitable career. As a result, poor and immigrant soldiers confront significant difficulties.

These troops are left alone and forgotten while the rest of the world celebrates holidays or Shabbat. To serve our country, these warriors make enormous sacrifices. We at Meir Panim go out of our way to help IDF members. Meir Panim’s mission is to educate, empower, and accept troops during and after their IDF duty. 

How To Support IDF Soldiers? 

You may show your support and care for these lonely troops by donating. Hot Shabbat meals, holiday meals, or food shipments would be delivered to these soldiers. By developing a coherent community, Meir Panim emphasizes the need for dedication, support, and care in the fight against food insecurity, hunger, and emotional anguish. We provide a forum for IDF soldiers to interact with people who care about them and wish to help. This is how you can support IDF soldiers

Let’s Make The Difference Today 

Meir Panim offers hot and appetizing meals to our defenders whenever they are in need.

Whether a combat soldier or a new recruit, or a disabled veteran whose family is trying to make ends meet, we care about everyone who needs our help. When we see a soldier in need, we move forward to lend a helping hand. It is our ethical duty to be at the side of these lone soldiers to ensure secure Israel. Together we can do that. Let’s make the difference from today. 

About Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.
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